Summer Camps 2025

Learn-to-Row and

Small Boat Camps

Open to all incoming 8th-12th Graders in the Eugene/Springfield and surrounding areas

Want to try a new sport this summer or build on your existing rowing experience? Join us for summer rowing camp and learn the sport of rowing - one of the oldest Olympic sports.

No experience is necessary for our Learn-to-Row (LTR) camps. In fact, the majority of rowers pick up the sport in high school and summer camps are a great first step! All you need is a positive attitude and a willingness to try something new. You'll enjoy beautiful days on the water and have fun meeting new friends.


Rowing Camps for Summer 2025

In our rowing camps, you will learn the skills of competitive rowing in a fun and welcoming environment while enjoying beautiful summer days on the water.

Novices will learn to row with our experienced coaches, play rowing games, and develop their rowing fitness.

Returning rowers will spend time on the water with a dedicated coach, focusing on honing their technical skills as well as doing workouts aimed at improving aerobic endurance and strength.

Every day will include optional swimming, time to relax on the dock, and plenty of time on the water.

June Small Boat Camp for experienced rowers will run 8-11 AM at Dexter Lake. (Van departs SEHS at 7:30, returns at 11:30)

July Learn-to-Row Camps will run 9AM-2PM at Dexter Lake.

Transportation is available from South Eugene High School to Dexter Lake, departing SEHS at 8:30 AM and returning around 2:30 PM.

Financial Aid is available. Please visit Financial Aid for more information.


Mon, Jun 23 - Thurs, Jun 26: Small Boat Camp @ Dexter

  • 8 - 11 AM

  • Experienced Rowers Only

Mon, Jul 7 - Fri, Jul 11: Learn-to-Row/Small Boat Camp, Week 1

  • 9 AM - 2PM

  • No Experience Necessary

  • Experienced rowers will alternate between filling out LTR boats and getting reps in small boats

Mon, Jul 14 - Fri, Jul 18: Learn-to-Row/Small Boat Camp, Week 2

  • 9 AM - 2PM

  • No Experience Necessary

  • Experienced rowers will alternate between filling out LTR boats and getting reps in small boats

Mon, Jul 21 - Fri, Jul 25: Learn-to-Row/Small Boat Camp, Week 3

  • 9 AM - 2PM

  • No Experience Necessary

  • Experienced rowers will alternate between filling out LTR boats and getting reps in small boats

Mon, Jul 28 - Fri, Aug 1: Learn-to-Row/Small Boat Camp, Week 4

  • 9 AM - 2PM

  • No Experience Necessary

  • Experienced rowers will alternate between filling out LTR boats and getting reps in small boats

Camp Cost

Single-Week Small Boat Camps for Experienced ERC Athletes: $200

● Includes transportation* and a camp t-shirt

● For June Small Boat Camps, transportation only included for first 14 registrants

Single-Week Learn-to-Row Camps for New Athletes: $275

● Includes transportation and a camp t-shirt

● Multi-Week Discount: $225/week for second, third or fourth week of camp

Full Summer Package for Experienced ERC Athletes: $500

● Includes all small boat camps and S&C training sessions at Ridgeline

● Option to drop in/out of any camps

● Includes transportation when at Dexter (For June Small Boat Camps, Transportation only provided for first 14 registrants)

● Jun 23-Aug 2

Payment plans and financial aid is available. Learn about applying for financial aid and contact us if you’d like to set up a payment plan.

All rowers will receive a camp t-shirt along with great summer memories. Camp is open to anyone entering 8th – 12th grade. No previous athletic or boating experience is necessary.

All sessions are held on Dexter Lake at the Lowell State Park. Round-trip van transportation from South Eugene High School is available.

*To be an experienced rower, you must have rowed at least one full season with Eugene Rowing Club or received special permission from the coaching staff.

Camp Details:


The camp van(s) will depart South Eugene High School, on the East side of the school, at 8:30am. The van will return to South by 2:30pm. Please choose the transportation option during registration. The vans are driven by one of our rowing coaches.

If you plan to drive to Dexter Lake, you’ll find the boathouse in Lowell State Recreation Area at 850 Shore Line Dr., Lowell, OR 97452. Take your first right as you enter the park and follow the dirt road to the gate. Rowers will walk the remaining 100 yards to the boathouse.

What to Bring:

  • Sunscreen

  • Athletic shorts (nothing too baggy)

  • Old shoes, flip flops, crocs, or any other shoes that can be left on the dock

  • A good lunch

  • Snacks

  • 2 water bottles (plastic only, please. NO HYDROFLASKS OR OTHER METAL WATER BOTTLES - they damage our boats)

  • Sunglasses & hat (optional)

  • Towel/change of clothes if you would like to swim in the lake during breaks from rowing.

Swim Test:

You can get a swim test free of charge from most area pools, including Amazon, Sheldon, and the YMCA. Just call ahead to arrange a time for the test. If you aren’t able to get a swim test done before camp, we will have a registered lifeguard on the Monday of each Learn to Row camp to run swim tests off the dock at the lake. If you plan to do a swim test at the lake, please bring a towel and dry clothes to change into after the test.

If you’d rather not take a swim test, you can wear a low-profile PFD while rowing.