Financial Aid
Thanks to our generous club supporters, ERC has a Financial Aid Fund to assist families with the costs of crew. The number and value of scholarships provided varies from season to season depending upon the availability of funds.
Anyone who needs any kind of financial assistance is encouraged to apply.
ERC will set a specific minimum amount available for scholarships at the start of each budget year.
Scholarships will be need based.
Scholarships will be granted for one season at a time – Summer Camp, Fall, or Spring. This allows for rowers to participate season by season and for changes in the financial status of parents/guardians.
ERC cannot guarantee availability of funds for any individual rower for future seasons.
Scholarships DO NOT include USRowing membership, fees that are billed outside of regular dues (including uniforms), Nationals, training camps, etc..
Financial aid funds will be released after the rower’s portion of dues has been paid or a payment plan has been established. Payment plans may be set up with SERC administration.
Scholarship recipients are expected to participate fully in all ERC activities, including practices and fundraising events.
ERC will protect the confidentiality of all applicants. A committee from The George Pocock Rowing Foundation will review applicants and will forward final decisions to the ERC Board. ERC parents, Board Members, and Coaches will not be part of the decision making process.
Please complete THIS APPLICATION FORM. Once notified, families will have two days to accept or decline the scholarship offer.
Scholarship Procedure Summary
Scholarship forms are made available before the season begins
Applicants submit requests for scholarship aid by designated deadline
The George Pocock Rowing Foundation reviews applications and notifies recipients an ERC Board representative of decisions
Recipients accept or decline scholarships, two days after receiving notification
ERC funds the scholarship.
Scholarship recipients pay their portions of seasonal dues or negotiate a payment plan prior to release of scholarship funds
Scholarship funds are applied directly to recipient accounts